Djibouti workshop, now enjoy the video
The 7' video takes you to the heart of this 6-day immersive event, which aimed at raising awareness among some 120 second-year Bachelor of Science students of the realities of these ecosystems and the challenges of conserving them.
No doubt a few vocations for marine sciences will be born at the end of this first workshop, which follows on from the scientific mission led by the TRSC in the Gulf of Tadjoura in September 2022, in partnership with the University of Djibouti and the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche de Djibouti (CERD).
Raising awareness, building capacities, connecting Red Sea scientists and students... These are some of the key ambitions TRSC is now implementing on site.
By the way, when talking about connecting scientists and empowering them: this April educational workshop in Djibouti featured in the video was followed by a second one in May with the participation of marine scientists from Yemen and Somaliland, in partnership with the Université de Djibouti. They were trained in the 3D coral reef mapping programme lead by PhD student Jonathan Sauder at Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne(EPFL), with the aim of being able to deploy it autonomously along their own coasts.