The Center
TRSC to attend upcoming Monaco Ocean Week
“From 21 to 26 March 2022, key players in the protection and management of the Ocean will meet in Monaco for a whole new week of exchanges and discussions on major issues such as plastic pollution, ocean acidification, coral reefs, the blue economy and innovation, the potential of algae, coastal resilience, sustainable yachting, marine biodiversity and gastronomy” (organizers).
The Transnational Red Sea Center is honored and proud to be part of this new edition of the Monaco Ocean Week and to present its activities to a distinguished audience. The TRSC event (by invitation only) is co-organized by the embassy of Switzerland in France and Epfl, and will take place at the yacht club de Monaco on March 21.
A warm thank you to the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation for its invitation and support of this Swiss initiative to save the last coral "refuge" on Earth.
Discover the week’s program on
We look forward to welcoming our guests on this special occasion.